When it comes to Generation Y, or “Millenials,” statistics have been broadcasted all over the news stating that prenuptial agreements are on the rise. So what is it that is creating this rise in prenups for this specific generation? Generation Y has many specific characteristics that may contribute to the wat (or need) for a prenuptial agreement. Read on to learn more about the most common reasons that the millennial generation frequently end up getting marital prenups, and why it can be a good idea for this group of people, as well as things about the prenuptial agreement Florida millennials may not be aware of. Arturo R. Alfonso, P.A. is a Miami family law attorney free consultation is available at a call for. Contact Arturo R. Alfonso, P.A. for a free consultation today!


Millenial Marriage Prenups


There are many reasons why prenuptial agreements are booming in the millennial generation. One major reason for this boom in prenups is the fact that the millennial generation grew up with career aspirations to follow their dreams. This belief has positively impacted their career vision plan, and many millennials are able to pick non-traditional paths and are inspired to work towards their goals, no matter how difficult or seemingly out of reach these goals seem. As the millennial generation has come into their own, there has been an uptick in “disruptor” companies that have appeared to challenge the status quo and shift the market. Assets are generally built up prior to marriage in this generation, and thus they want to take care of these assets as their separate properties when entering into a marital bond. What a prenup is able to do is protect the parties’ assets, including businesses and business interests, and is also able to establish how the economic side of the relationship will function as it moves forward. As the millennial generation is more likely to be part of a start-up business, a prenup is able to protect the business owner as well as provide for the non-owner if the couple wants to. If you have more questions and are looking for “Miami Family Law Free Consultation,” Arturo R. Alfonso, P.A. is here for you!


Things About The Millennial Prenuptial Agreement Florida Should Know


Another factor in the rise of prenuptial agreements in Millennials is that they are getting married later than generations past. Following career dreams and ambitions can take time, and many Millennials are putting marriage on the back burner until they’ve reached certain goals. When a couple marries later in life, they often have a larger amount of assets (and debts) than they had at a younger age. Prenups can help to provide both the parties’ assets as well as their debts. This is why it’s so important to make an informed decision while consulting an experienced lawyer. Debt is a huge part of signing a prenup, as in recent years there has been a large uptick in the amount of student debt, meaning and a prenup helps to provide certainty with respect to debt acquired before the marriage, as well as addressing debt acquired after the marriage date.


Contact Us Today


There are certain things about the rise in the Millennial prenuptial agreement Florida residents should know. Arturo R. Alfonso, P.A. is a Miami family law attorney free consultation is a rule for on the first meeting. Contact Arturo R. Alfonso, P.A. today for your family law needs!